Notepad intro

FYI: The process

You will be repeating the following 2 steps:

  1. In Notepad, you will make changes and save (CTRL+S) or the save button.
    This turns the page tab from red to blue.
  2. In Chrome, you will need to refresh/reload (F5) to see the changes.

FYI: Notepad++ Colors

  • HTML tags should be in blue. If not spelled right, they turn black. 
  • If you click on an opening or closing tag, they will both be highlighted in purple, if they are typed correctly.
  • A common mistake is forgetting a bracket at the end of a tag. Then the HTML tag will turn red in the next tag.

Make sure you don’t have just one quotation mark, then it won’t be happy. If you do, the next tag will be purple instead of blue.