Open GameMaker from the Desktop icon
Just click on "Don't Upgrade Now".
Right-click and pin GameMaker to the taskbar...
Search for "Photoshop" in the search box on your taskbar.
The first time you open Photoshop on a computer, you will get this window...
In the email box, type your student email address from SD33... and continue
Go to Window > Workspace ... and select MySpacePS2020
Your window should now look like this with the panel on the right split in 2: the top being History and the bottom main one being Layers
Right-click on the PS icon on the taskbar and pin it.
Go into your website folder in Z:
Right-click any topic page (not home or myStyles) and Edit with Notepad++
By default the text is not wrapping, so you'd have to scroll horizontally to read paragraphs...
So now you will easily be able to read all your text without scrolling horizontally.
Right-click on the NP icon on the taskbar and pin it.
Keep your programs open so you can get the set-up checked off.