Day 1: Apps

Game Maker

Open GameMaker from the Desktop icon

Just click on "Don't Upgrade Now".

Right-click and pin GameMaker to the taskbar...


Search for "Photoshop" in the search box on your taskbar.

The first time you open Photoshop on a computer, you will get this window...

In the email box, type your student email address from SD33... and continue

Go to Window > Workspace ... and select MySpacePS2020

Your window should now look like this with the panel on the right split in 2: the top being History and the bottom main one being Layers

Right-click on the PS icon on the taskbar and pin it.


Go into your website folder in Z: 

Right-click any topic page (not home or myStyles) and Edit with Notepad++

By default the text is not wrapping, so you'd have to scroll horizontally to read paragraphs...

Go to View > Word Wrap

So now you will easily be able to read all your text without scrolling horizontally.

Right-click on the NP icon on the taskbar and pin it.

Keep your programs open so you can get the set-up checked off.